[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000455s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=sql276639;charset=utf8
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_store` [ RunTime:0.001243s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_store` WHERE `store_id` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000776s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_goodscommon` [ RunTime:0.000945s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `ds_goodscommon` WHERE `store_id` = 5 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000508s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_evaluatestore` [ RunTime:0.000937s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT AVG(seval_desccredit) as store_desccredit,AVG(seval_servicecredit) as store_servicecredit,AVG(seval_deliverycredit) as store_deliverycredit,COUNT(seval_id) as count FROM `ds_evaluatestore` WHERE `seval_storeid` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000357s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_store` WHERE `storeclass_id` = 11 AND `store_state` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000657s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT AVG(seval_desccredit) as store_desccredit,AVG(seval_servicecredit) as store_servicecredit,AVG(seval_deliverycredit) as store_deliverycredit,COUNT(seval_id) as count FROM `ds_evaluatestore` WHERE `seval_storeid` IN (5,0) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storejoinin` [ RunTime:0.001283s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storejoinin` WHERE `member_id` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000454s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storegoodsclass` [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storegoodsclass` WHERE `store_id` = 5 AND `storegc_state` = 1 ORDER BY `storegc_parent_id` ASC,`storegc_sort` ASC,`storegc_id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000337s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_goods` [ RunTime:0.000828s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_goods` WHERE `store_id` = 5 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 ORDER BY `goods_salenum` DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.000676s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_goods` WHERE `store_id` = 5 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 ORDER BY `goods_collect` DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.000713s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storenavigation` [ RunTime:0.000864s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storenavigation` WHERE `storenav_store_id` = 5 [ RunTime:0.000273s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `ds_goods` WHERE `store_id` = 5 AND `goods_stcids` LIKE '%,5,%' AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000492s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storegoodsclass` WHERE `storegc_id` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000270s ]